
Kudos to the team at BMF for their remarkably mysterious, almost Wes Anderson like videos, The Conspicuous Awakening of Owen Wilson, that appeared in my Facebook feed.

BMF have embraced the art of mystery – no overt features and benefit walkthroughs here. Viewers from the outset have no idea what this video is about or where this video could possibly go – completely polarising the target demographic.

And that’s perfect.

Those who don’t get it will skip a few seconds in, but those who love it will watch to the end (like, comment or share) and likely anticipate the next installments in the series.

With an outstanding strategic casting choice of quirky, easygoing, fun loving, Owen Wilson; the videos themselves feel more like short films or even movie trailers than they did advertisements – causing us to lower our guard as we sense our WII-FM meter is about to be satisfied.

I’m also going to make an assumption about the brief – that it was to 1) Generate interest and sales for the 2) launch of two new P&O cruiseliners to a 3) younger demographic and 4) change the perception that these aren’t the cruises your grandparents went on by 5) creating and leveraging social currency.

If this was the brief, then BMF & P&O have delivered – I’ve never considered going on a cruise before, but now my perception has been completely shifted and P&O now own a category of one in my mind.

Well done – a fantastic example of creating the Best for the Least for the Most.

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