
Why Google PPC?

Google Search, otherwise known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising or Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the O.G performance marketing channel for digital advertising.

Showing up
for your audience

Google PPC advertising historically was the first channel for most brands entering digital advertising. With the growth of Paid Social advertising in recent years it’s not been viewed as a core growth channel, but a necessary evil to compliment other activities.

The post iOS world is seeing Google Ads suddenly back en-vogue with the clarity on performance and results attracting a surge in advertising budgets.

While the original SEM strategy was simply text based ads responding to direct keyword searches. The complexity of today’s Search Engine results now includes Search, Shopping, Maps, Google My Business and Search Partners (which blurs what a search result is).

Even the concept of pay-per-click is being challenged with smart bidding options like Target CPA and Maximise ROAS blurring the idea of importance of cpc (cost per click) metrics that were once the bedrock of a great Search Strategy.

The idea of a ‘Search Strategist’ is no longer possible, and with the rise of Automation and now launch of Performance Max campaigns, to effectively manage any pay-per-click SEM campaign requires a full funnel mindset.

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“What percentage of my budget should be going to PPC campaigns?”

So what is an effective
Google PPC Strategy?

Google PPC Advertising as a concept is being challenged with the mix of Automation and Performance Max campaigns changing the game on what is considered a Search ad.

Instead advertisers need to consider any Google Ad activity in terms of full funnel activations. The old Brand, Competitor, Generic structure split into Broad, Exact and Phrase match is not a suitable strategy for brands who are looking to scale Google Ads performance.

And in fact if you are still operating on this old structure to maximise control and visibility, you are definitely limiting your ability to grow.

Design-conscious brands on Google Ads instead need to create structures that allow maximum flexibility for the Google Ads algorithm to pick your winners automatically and in future years this extends beyond keyword structure alone. With now Creative, Audiences and even Placements (Search, Shopping, Display, YouTube) through PerformanceMax best served as open options, rather than manually controlled.

In many ways the shift of Google Ads is copying the footsteps of Facebook Ads audience & placement liquitidy of a few years ago.


How to Choose a
Google PPC Ads Agency

Intentional has managed Google Ad campaigns since 2011 (10+ Years!) and we have seen it all, the amazing, the terrible and the down right incompetent. We often inherit poorly structured and managed Google Ad Campaigns. In fact, most clients who join Intentional are so tired of being messed around by PPC agencies they are ready to move everything in house OR already did try in-housing but realised the limitations.

So how do you choose a Google Ads Agency

  1. Are they are Google Premier Partner? This is awarded to the top 3% of agencies, if you choose not to use a Certified Partner, then it’s at your own peril.
  2. You own the keys to you Google Ad Account. If your agency owns the ad account or suggests they will start a new ad account, do not sign.
  3. Client Testimonials, not only Case Studies or Awards. Request to speak with past clients, the same you would in requesting a reference check on an employee.
  4. Proven Experience in your Niche. The complexity of the ad accounts has increased massively, while Intentional only specialise in digital advertising. We felt the need to specialise further to Tech & Lifestyle, Sport & Outdoor, Health & Medical brands. It helps these are the most intentional brands!
  5.  Strategy first. With automation levelling the playing field, what will set your ads apart from the next brand? Don’t be in a rush to sign onto a 12 month direct debit, instead we recommend to invest in the Strategy first.
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So, let’s get intentional about Google

Our investment strategy supports your brand through validated short & long term objectives. We’re here to reach and inspire people, and we work with clients who wish to do the same. Sure we obsess about settings, algorithms and optimisation – but we know those are nothing if we don’t care about copywriting, persuasion and human psychology.