Special 10th Birthday Online Event: Full Replay Now Live
65+ Brands. 13 Countries. 10 Years.
$36m+ Ad Spend Under Management in Ten Years
Ten lessons from ten years
We’ve had the privilege of being trusted to advertise some of Australia’s — and the world’s — most loved brands.
In that time, we’ve seen both the highs and lows of doing business online with our clients. So here are ten lessons our team have learned from our first decade.
Intention creates power
What can we do together in ten?
We exist to help convert your brand’s full potential online using digital advertising. Take the next step and book a complimentary discovery call with us.
Ten thousand hours is the
magical number of greatness
We are
Nothing happens without fantastic people.
Very rarely do we put the spotlight on ourselves, but with 10 years and over 500,000 hours of focused digital advertising expertise, this is our chance to celebrate the team that makes the magic happen!
We overestimate what we can do in one year
but underestimate what we can do in ten.
First, ten.
This, in two words, is the secret of new marketing.
Find ten people.
Ten people who trust you/respect you/need you/listen to you.
Those ten people need what you have to sell, or want it.
And if they love it, you win. If they love it, they’ll each find you ten more people (or a hundred or a thousand or, perhaps, just three). Repeat.
If they don’t love it, you need a new product. Start over.
Your idea spreads. Your business grows. Not as fast as you want, but faster than you could ever imagine.
You can no longer market to the anonymous masses. They’re not anonymous and they’re not masses. You can only market to people who are willing participants. Like this group of ten.
3 years from now, this advice will be so common as to be boring. Today, it’s almost certainly the opposite of what you’re doing.
Can you use ten?
Are you a NFP, Charity or Social Enterprise? 10 years ago, we started off by donating a portion our time to helping good causes with their digital advertising. Today we’re coming full circle and so for the rest of 2021 we’re donating 10 hours of our time each month towards digital advertising strategy and/or implementation for NFPs, Charities and NFPs. Places are limited, so apply today!
$108 million+ in acquisition value
driven for brands online over ten years*
*Multiply to include Lifetime Customer Value
Good shit
takes time
Maria has been a friend of Intentional’s for almost our entire ten years.
She is one of a handful of typographers & letterers in Melbourne, collaborating on brand identity with Nike, McCann, Charlie’s Cookies & The University of Melbourne amongst others.
Working across Melbourne & Barcelona for over 19 years, she has been a keynote speaker at design events in Australia and overseas for Adobe, Type Paris, Typism and The Design Conference.
She is perhaps most well known for her ‘Shit series’ but most proud of her work on her own custom typeface called ‘Green Fairy’.
To keep growing toward our potential, we have to be intentional