Quote: Gary Vaynerchuk on creating content

“Content is king, but context is god” Gary Vaynerchuk

[video] Adwords Innovations for 2014

Its official, I’m calling 2014 the year of the PPC Wars.

The history of the internet has seen Netscape vs Internet Explorer. Windows vs Mac. iOS vs Android.

Now its well and truly Adwords vs Facebook Ads.

Make Believe

As the world continues to progress, consumers are climbing ever up Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Rarely are we…


We have become so used to using the phrase ‘State of the Art’ to describe new gadgets from…

Quote: Charles & Ray Eames on work

“Take your pleasure seriously” Charles and Ray Eames

Only do what only you can do

“… within a group of talented people, what separated the best from the rest was how long and…

Hot off the press: Google Call Forwarding now available in Australia

Not too long ago I wrote about the top 3 new PPC features I saw as the killer…

The last inbox standing

Photo Credit: YaaL via Compfight cc Lets face it, its not only our Twitter and Facebook streams that…

The fastest 105m sprinter in the world

What if you were the world’s fastest one hundred and five meter sprinter? Industrial age thinking meant we…

Painter’s Quote: On Starting

“The first stroke is the hardest but the last is the most satisfying” Painter’s Proverb


As kids we annoyed everyone with one word (apart from ‘no’!) that we used to say over and…

Quote: Van Gogh on starting

“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that…

The Best for the Least for the Most

Charles & Ray Eames were designers of arguably the most famous furniture of all time.

Their motto (clarifications mine) was to:

“Create the best (products) for the most (people) for the least (cost)”

Don’t just call when you need us

Its natural to not share your work until you’re finished – until its absolutely perfect. Then you can…

Why are you still thinking locally?

Marty, you’re just not thinking fourth dimensionally – Emmett ‘Doc’ Brown Humans have been created to live in…

Quote: Massimo Vignelli on his design signature

“We achieve decoration by subtraction because subtraction is our methodology” Massimo Vignelli

Its not what you know

“Its not just what you know, its who you know” The Search Age Winning the race to the…

Why Artists Will Rule The World

Even if you have 500 friends on Facebook, you don’t see every post from every one of them….

Quote: Djordje Dokic on what making has taught him

“Make and you will make more” Djordje Dokic

Monetise the Meta

Give it away, give it away, give it away now – Red Hot Chili Peppers Musicians for the…

TV isn’t radio with pictures

Video killed the radio star – The Buggles TV is its own distinct medium but shares many characteristics…

Hot off the press: Native Facebook Website Remarketing

Less than 30 days ago I wrote about my top 3 new PPC advertising opportunities for 2014. Now…

Quote: Todd Sampson on creativity and business

“In today’s parity world, creativity is the last remaining competitive advantage in business” Todd Sampson

The 80/20 Rule

80% of results tend to come from 20% of causes – The 80/20 Rule Science lessons in school…

Standardisation & Predictability

A Big Mac tastes the same all over the world The strength of McDonalds is that no matter…

Quote: Lumiere on serving others

“Life is so unnerving, for a servant who’s not serving, He’s not whole without a soul to wait…

Renting vs Buying

Begin with the end in mind – Stephen Covey There has never been an easier way to launch…

A Tale of Two Systems

It was the best of of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of…

Your Number One Digital Asset

The email list is the real asset behind any online business In the virtual world, your email list…

The Network Effect

Every extra person added to the network, makes the entire network exponentially (not linearly) more valuable The introduction…

Quote: Perry Marshall on the difference between Adwords & Facebook

“Adwords is advertising to a moving parade, Facebook is advertising to a standing army” Perry Marshall

Niche of Niche

Thanks to the Long Tail, going niche of niche is no longer an option The Long Tail The…

Care More

When I reflect on the last 10 years, one question I ask myself is: why were we the…

Quote: Anais Nin on taking The Leap

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the…

The Leap

Two roads diverged in a wood, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all…

Above the fold

Newspapers used to be bought from piles at news stands. Because the broadsheet format was so large, they…

Top 3 Aussie PPC Opportunities for 2014

We’ve seen more changes in PPC Advertising in the last 12 months than we have in the last…

The Democratisation of Creativity

Truly worldwide democratisation of creativity – April Greiman Thank you for giving us the ability to make our…

Art isn’t painting

Its not art the second time its done Its possible to be a painter and not make art….

The Connection Economy

In the Connection Economy, he who leads the tribe wins The Industrial Revolution In the Industrial Revolution, value…

Your friends are wrong

Your friends aren’t your target market. “What will my friends think?” is the wrong question to ask. The…

Grace is the new currency

Definition: Grace is receiving something you didn’t work for In a digital world where authoring, distribution and even…

Quote: Marcus Buckingham on the myth of changing as you grow

“As you grow, you become more and more of who you already are.” Marcus Buckingham

The Used Future

The digital revolution was about turning atoms to bits. The next revolution is about turning bits back to…

First Principles

Definition Its easy to learn the ‘3 steps to …’ or the ‘5 keys to …’ <insert_lesson_here>. Its…

Isolation vs Immersion

I did it my way – Frank Sinatra Now that we’re globally connected, its easy to get inspired…

The Miracle of Compound Interest

As you grow, you become more and more of who you already are. – Marcus Buckingham Pursuing your…

Quote: Rapunzel on leaving comfort

“And with every passing hour, I’m so glad I left my tower, Like all you lovely folks, I’ve…

But it makes me feel vulnerable

If you’re not feeling vulnerable, you’re doing it wrong. The Connection Economy isn’t based on facts and figures,…

Ready, Fire, Aim

If you hit something, call it the target – Paul Smith Finding your unique voice is not an…